After studying Information Communication Technology in Science for 14 weeks, I have learned so much things and i want to summerize it here. Throughout this courses, I have learn about interactive whiteboard (IWB), blogger, and data logging. Besides, one of the best thing I've learn in this class is the tips to teach in interactive ways in class.
I realize that we have to prepare ourself to face the nowadays studens. The mastery of ICT skills is nessasary for all teachers. We have to face the fact that the world's technology is develop rapidly. Hence, we as a becoming teacher must always up to date with the new features of technology and try to apply it in classes.
The use of data logger, blog, modeling and simulation is very important to be apply in classes. What I can see after study this subject is, if we use and skillful in technology, we actually can save time and make the learning more interactive. Where students always get exited and the learning is happen when teachers using appropriate teaching tools. Fir me, I am really attracted to the learning process where it have engaging, empowering, enhancing and enclosure. These technique is very helpful to boost the thinking level of students and also help them apply the knowledge their learn in syllabubs to the real situations in their daily life. Beside data logging, another way to make students understand about experiments is by using visual simulation. Data logging, simulation and modeling also useful to vary students presentation about their findings.
Hence, this subject teach me new skills and level of thinking. The knowledge is important, but how we going to teach is way more important.
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